One does not take out motor liability insurance for:

  • vehicles that do not need to be registered and are not used on the road*
  • vehicles that have been withdrawn from use and are not used on the road*
  • vehicles that have been withdrawn from use for good.

When determining whether you are required to insure your vehicle, remember that your vehicle falls under the Act governing motor liability insurance even when used or moved in off-road areas such as gardens, fields, forests, or on ice. The definition of motor vehicles under this Act is broader than commonly understood and more extensive than the definition in Finland's highway code.

Vehicles exempt from the obligation to have motor liability insurance:

  • electrically powered personal and cargo transporters that weigh less than 25 kilograms AND have a design speed of no more than 25 kilometres per hour.
  • electrically assisted bicycles with a maximum assisted speed of 25 kilometres per hour and a maximum output of 250 watts or less.

Read more from page Electric mobility devices.

Also, certain vehicles are exempt from motor liability insurance:

  • such motorised machines or tractors that do not need to be registered and whose top structural speed does not exceed 15 km/h
  • a combine harvester or other motorised agricultural motor-powered working vehicle intended for harvesting that needs not be registered
  • a trailer that does not need to be registered
  • an electric wheelchair or other similar lightweight vehicle intended exclusively for use by disabled persons that does not need to be registered
  • a vehicle owned or held by the State of Finland or for which the liability for a traffic accident is borne by another state

Accidents in Finland caused by vehicles exempt from the obligation to insure in Finland are handled by the Finnish Motor Insurers' Centre.